Thursday, September 15, 2011

Go Away Part 2

I admit it. I watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. In my defense I do not watch the New York, New Jersey, OC, Miami or Washington D.C. versions (often).

I did watch one complete season of The Atlanta version but that was during a marathon. It is impossible not to watch any marathon of any television show once you start. If a marathon is airing and you can't find your remote within ten minutes you are stuck or at least I am. That's how I ended up watching only one full season of House and Jersey Shore. If Hallmark runs an I Love Lucy marathon you may not see me for days.

All the other Housewive are cheap imitations of the Beverly Hills gang like those Gucci purses or Chanel sunglasses you can buy off a folding table in Times Square.

But there is one Beverly Hills housewife that is so out of her league on this show that it isn't even funny; Taylor. Whoever said you can never be too rich or two thin never saw this poor girl. If Ghandi were still alive and in the middle of one of his hunger strikes even he would tell her "Eat something for heaven's sake!" 

After watching the Real Housewives of Bevery Hills I no longer want to be rich. I'd probably just spend it on useless crap like they do; you know like pools and jacuzzis set into the Hollywood Hills.

But mostly it just affirms for me one of nature's great truths: You can't buy pretty. Look at this woman. She is nipped, tucked and botoxed beyond recognition. Then since she had been such a good customer her plastic surgeon offered to blow up her lips for free.....and she took him up on it!

Taylor spent the first season wondering around looking miserable. Poor Bravo had to edit her husband out of this season since his suicide. I don't blame Bravo for this guy's suicide. And I certainly don't agree with the people who said they should have postponed the new season because of it. But I am hoping the public outcry will force Taylor off the third season. Go Away!

They can fill her slot with Cedric, Lisa's houseguest from hell from season 1 or just put Andy Cohen in a speedo and let him visit each of them for a week or so.

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